Search Results
GEO: Statement made at the Preparatory Committee of the Third UN World Conference on DRR
Madagascar: Statement made at the Preparatory Committee of the Third UN World Conference on DRR
Japan: Statement made at the Preparatory Committee of the Third UN World Conference on DRR
Bahamas: Statement made at the Preparatory Committee of the Third UN World Conference on DRR
Cook Islands: Statement made at the Preparatory Committee of the Third UN World Conference on DRR
Russian Federation: Statement made at the Preparatory Committee of the Third UN WCDRR
Fiji: Statement made at the 2nd Preparatory Committee of the Third UN World Conference on DRR
South Sudan: Statement made at the 2nd Preparatory Committee of the Third UN World Conference on DRR
Prepcom1-Third WCDRR: Update the Committee on the progress made on the preparations for the WCDRR
Major Group Business and Industry: Statement made at the 2nd Preparatory Com. of the Third UN WCDRR
ECOWAS: Statement made at the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (2013)
New Zealand: Disaster Risk Reduction Statement at GP11